e-Lectures: Econ 480

These are the recorded lectures of Econ 480-3, graduate econometrics, at Northwestern University. These videos were recorded while the class was being taught over Zoom in the Spring 2021, but any type of student participation was edited out. As a result of the editing, the lectures are shorter than a live lecture and some parts may involve unnatural transitions. The purpose of these recordings is to provide additional resources to students taking Econ 480-3 in future years, but the material here is public and free to use for students elsewhere at their own risk. The slides, lectures notes, and videos may be printed and reproduced for individual or instructional use, but may not be used for any type of commercial purposes.

The syllabus of the class is below and each lecture has a companion set of slides and lecture notes.

Syllabus | Full Set of Lecture Notes | Class Canvas Page

Part I: Estimation

Lecture 1: Linear Regression

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 2: More on Linear Regression

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 3: Basic Inference

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 4: Endogeneity

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 5: IV and LATE

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 6: GMM and EL

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 7: Panel Data

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 8: Difference in Differences

Slides | Lecture Notes

Part II: Some Topics

Lecture 9: Nonparametric Regression

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 10: Regression Discontinuity Design

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 11: CART & Random Forests

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 12: Binary Response

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 13: LASSO

Slides | Lecture Notes

Part III: Inference

Lecture 14: HC Covariance Estimation

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 15: HAC Covariance Estimation

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 16: Cluster Covariance Estimation

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 17: The Bootstrap

Slides | Lecture Notes

Lecture 18: Subsampling and Randomization Tests

Slides | Lecture Notes