Some tips on/around Campus.
Posted August 5, 2016
Hi Guys! So, I am currently sitting in a local little cafe shop, “Tomorrow’s Party Cafe” pretty sure it is called “Beautiful Time Cafe”...Posted August 5, 2016
Hi Guys! So, I am currently sitting in a local little cafe shop, “Tomorrow’s Party Cafe” pretty sure it is called “Beautiful Time Cafe”...Posted August 3, 2016
There are now less than two weeks of my time here in Beijing. All I can think to myself is where has the time...Posted August 2, 2016
As clichéd as this may sound, I feel as if Berlin has become a second home for me. I am (for the most part)...Posted July 30, 2016
Hello again! As the program is coming to an end, I am sad to report that I have been sick for the past two...Posted July 26, 2016
Hi hi, It’s already been five weeks! Time files. Five weeks means that we passed our halfway point and had our long weekend. A...Posted July 26, 2016
I can’t believe that I’ve been in Berlin for over a month already. I’ve done so much, but there is so much that I...Posted July 25, 2016
Another two weeks have passed since I last wrote. Since then, a lot has happened: finished finals (yay!), visited Shanghai, and started classes again....Posted July 24, 2016
Es increíble pensar que ya tenemos un mes en la bella ciudad de México. One whole month that has flown by. During this month...Posted July 22, 2016
Spotted: M trading in his bright clothing in for the hipper, dark colors only fitting for the cool vibe that is Berlin. Looks like...Posted July 22, 2016
Hello hello! I cannot believe that I am nearing the end of my fifth week here. Again, time has flown by so quickly. And...