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Category: Affiliated Programs

Who, What, Wear: Fashion in the South of France

When you look up “French fashion”, what you’ll often find is aimed at American tourists visiting Paris, looking to fit in and avoid being...
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À Tout À l’Heure Arles

I struggled a lot with writing this post: how to summarize six weeks that were some of the best, craziest, most phenomenal weeks of...
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Murphy’s Law of Travel

Popular internet joke “Murphy’s Law” states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. In the age of post-Covid travel, I’d like to...
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12 Habits of Highly-Effective Weekenders

Two of my favorite things I’ve discovered while studying abroad in Europe are:1. There is a robust public transit system throughout most of Europe.and:2....
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Day in the Life as a Study Abroad Student in Arles

Studying abroad is one of the most exciting and memorable things you can do in your collegiate career, and has been one of the...
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Arles Pride!

  During my very first weekend in Arles, my friends and I had the absolute privilege of attending the second-annual Arles Pride Parade! I...
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Mount Zalagh: A Man, Sheep, and Meloui

My friends and I decided to go hike Mount Zalagh. We wanted to end our second to last evening in Morocco taking in the...
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The Blue City—Yes, It’s Literally Blue

Chefchaouen, also known as the Blue City, is a city in the mountains of northwest Morocco which—as you must have guessed already—is washed in...
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Couscous Friday

“It’s couscous Friday!” my friends and I would proclaim when we started to think about what we would be having for lunch on a...
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Sand, Camels, and Bliss

As I rode on a camel in the Sahara Desert and took in the serene view, I was overwhelmed by the desert’s beauty. The...
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