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Tag: excitement


Homesickness, it’s what I’m most terrified of. I’m scared of being lonely and not having things that are comfortable. It’s what scared me most...
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Folklórico Fills My Heart With The Sound Of Music

On Sunday night, I checked off an item from my bucket list: watching the Ballet Folkórico de México de Amalia Hernández. I have procrastinated...
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Willie, I’ve A Feeling We’re Not In Chicago Anymore

I have traveled to Mexico in the past, but never to Mexico City and never on my own. My mom and I planned to...
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Before Belgrade, Serbia

Although very delayed in posting this pre-departure blog post, I still remember much of my thoughts prior to arriving in Belgrade, Serbia. For the...
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It’s Time!

In less than 2 hours, I will be on my way to O’Hare International Airport to catch my 7AM flight to Mexico City. To...
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My "Post-Grad" Plans

Hello! My name is Jena DiFiore and I just submitted my last final at Northwestern. I’m extremely nervous and excited to walk across the...
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I still remember the first time I came the United states. I was so excited to be going to another continent, and I made...
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New Learning Opportunities!

Hello! My name is Tricia and I’m a junior studying Sociology and Global Health at Northwestern. I will be updating this blog with stories,...
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Excitement for Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina

What are your plans for the summer? The question that is continuously asked around Northwestern and at home. Everyone wants to know what you...
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Onward and Outward

Hey! I’m Kevin, a freshman in SESP studying social policy and economics. I am from Clearwater, Florida, and I have never left North America....
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