Oh Hi There Mona! Nice to See You Again.
Posted October 21, 2016
I have always been an introvert—as much as I love going out and dancing with other foreign students every Friday night, I crave to...Posted October 21, 2016
I have always been an introvert—as much as I love going out and dancing with other foreign students every Friday night, I crave to...Posted September 21, 2016
Finally, I have returned to Evanston to start a new year school year. A clean slate, with a fresh outlook and excitement; I truly...Posted August 24, 2016
Today I went to my last class at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and I was hit with the realization that my time in...Posted August 14, 2016
Sarajevo is a beautiful city surrounded by picturesque mountains and has its own unique mix of eastern and western influences. It is easy to forget...Posted August 13, 2016
I have waited to write my last blog post until the end of the trip to allow myself some time to process the past...Posted August 11, 2016
Imagine the city that you called home became a battlefield. Imagine that the city became split right down the middle and people who were once neighbors are now being forced...Posted August 2, 2016
This weekend I experienced the most strange, amazing adventure at the Zocalo. The Zocalo is the origin of modern day Mexico, the center of...Posted August 2, 2016
As clichéd as this may sound, I feel as if Berlin has become a second home for me. I am (for the most part)...Posted August 1, 2016
“There’s only two weeks left?”-Basically how everyone in the program feels at this point. Everyone always tells you that your time abroad will go...Posted July 24, 2016
Es increíble pensar que ya tenemos un mes en la bella ciudad de México. One whole month that has flown by. During this month...