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Category: Art & Architecture

Paris, What Can’t You Do?

  Hello from Charles De Gaulle International Airport! It seems like ages since I last introduced myself to you all. I will blame this...
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Oh Hi There Mona! Nice to See You Again.

I have always been an introvert—as much as I love going out and dancing with other foreign students every Friday night, I crave to...
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Back at It

Finally, I have returned to Evanston to start a new year school year. A clean slate, with a fresh outlook and excitement; I truly...
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Looking back

Just like that I am back to my regular dull student life composed of my daily routine of classes and work.  However, a few...
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Before I Leave- Again

My experience in Berlin has, thus far, been nothing short of amazing. I’ve grown and matured in ways I previously thought never possible, and...
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Foreign Farewell

Hello Everyone! I can’t believe there are only two days left in the program here in Beijing! It’s unreal how close the end is....
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Going to miss the little things!

My time in Mexico City is coming to an end, so naturally, I’ve been reminiscing on all the incredible experiences I’ve had. It would...
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Ghost Town at Night

This weekend I experienced the most strange, amazing adventure at the Zocalo. The Zocalo is the origin of modern day Mexico, the center of...
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Muchas Catedrales

“There’s only two weeks left?”-Basically how everyone in the program feels at this point. Everyone always tells you that your time abroad will go...
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Welcome to Berlin

The last couple of days have been really intense for all of us here in Berlin. We just finished our first week of classes...
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