Going Up One More Floor
Posted September 14, 2018
Guess where. Above 90 degree temperatures with sweltering humidity. Overwhelming swarms of people. Buzzing mosquitoes. Delicious food. Pandas. Yup, that’s my tropical island mansion....Posted September 14, 2018
Guess where. Above 90 degree temperatures with sweltering humidity. Overwhelming swarms of people. Buzzing mosquitoes. Delicious food. Pandas. Yup, that’s my tropical island mansion....Posted August 27, 2018
After one month spent in Beijing it was time for a break. Not that Beijing is not fun and amusing, but traveling around China...Posted August 13, 2016
Hey guys, So as I just looked through a bunch of my photos from my trip thus far, it hit me that I have...Posted July 26, 2016
Hi hi, It’s already been five weeks! Time files. Five weeks means that we passed our halfway point and had our long weekend. A...Posted July 25, 2016
Another two weeks have passed since I last wrote. Since then, a lot has happened: finished finals (yay!), visited Shanghai, and started classes again....Posted August 11, 2014
Samuel Garcia, NUS Exchange, Fall 2014 My entire summer has been one rapid adventure. After a hard Spring Quarter at Northwestern, I was greatly...