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Tag: Beijing

Back in Evanston

It was an amazing experience to spend 8 weeks studying and living in Beijing, but I’m still glad to be back in the United...
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Reflections from the Teddy Bear-Covered Couch

So here I am, back on the couch from which I wrote my first blog post. It’s been almost three full months since then,...
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Talent Show!

Last week of classes in China are finished, finals have been taken, and all that’s left now is the talent show. Every year the...
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Great City, Amazing People…and American Horror Story

During my last few nights in Beijing, I managed to find a Chinese website to watch American Horror Story on and then promptly watched...
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Soothing End

Blind persons give you a Chinese massage in 盲人按摩.  While I heard about this practice, I never had the time to investigate. Time not spent...
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Goodbye, Beijing!

As I begin to pack up my room, the feeling is definitely bittersweet. On the one hand, I can’t wait to get back to...
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Why I Speed-Walk

Having been in China for a little over a month now, the single strongest impression I have of the country is its massive population....
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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

One thing that I have since learned during my five month stay in Beijing is just how temperamental the weather is. The scorching morning...
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A Little Bit About China's Hospitals

Wow 3 weeks have passed in a flash! It’s so weird to think that the first session of classes is almost over. I’m amazed...
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See ya in a few Chicago!

Hi! I guess I’ll start with just a few speed-dating type facts about myself. My name is Linda Yu and I’m from Chicago. I...
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