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Great City, Amazing People…and American Horror Story

During my last few nights in Beijing, I managed to find a Chinese website to watch American Horror Story on and then promptly watched and finished the fourth season (this story is relevant, I promise). As I watched episode after episode, I noticed something wonderful; I could read most of the Chinese subtitles! Having learned Chinese for a while, it’s hard for me to tell whether I am still improving. With language, it is not always obvious how much you’ve learned and how much you know. So, I was, to say the least, pleasantly surprised at my ability to read the subtitles. At the end of these eight weeks, I am not close to fluency. However, I can safely say that my reading and writing has vastly improved. I’ll admit that I’m still working on speaking and listening.

Eight weeks of Chinese class concluded with singing our hearts out.

Eight weeks of Chinese class concluded by singing our hearts out.

One of the themes of season four of American Horror Story was friendship and family. In these past eight weeks, I’ve made great friends and created a wonderful family abroad. Because of them, I’ve never felt homesick for more than a night and I never felt lonely. Some of my favorite memories from the trip were made during various hangouts—playing UNO at night under the light of makeshift lamps; conversations on a twelve hour train ride from Beijing to Xi’an; a group trip to the zoo—and mundane activities like grabbing a popsicle from the convenience store with my “popsicle squad.” It is true how the saying goes; it doesn’t matter where you are, but the people you’re with. I’m fortunate to have spent my summer in a great city with amazing people.

With my study abroad program having ended, I finally have the chance to truly and fully reflect upon my experience. Although I could ramble on and on, I think how I feel about these past eight weeks can be easily interpreted through the simple and sincere advice I told my friend: “You should definitely study abroad if you have the time and the chance to.”

However, my time in China doesn’t stop here! I’ll be spending a little more time in Guangzhou, China traveling and visiting family.



Goodbye, Beijing! Hello, Guangzhou!


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