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Category: Programs

America, you seem different. Did you cut your hair or something?

By Jasmine Jones, Public Health in Europe, Fall 2012 Well, it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve been back in the states and believe...
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À La Prochaine, Paris

By Vasantham Annadurai, Public Health in Europe, Fall 2012 The morning I left Paris was the first time it hit me that I was...
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Class Trip to Geneva, and HINARI @ NU

By Vasantham Annadurai, Public Health in Europe, Fall 2012 At the beginning of the week of Thanksgiving, our Public Health class took a field...
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Last Day & Departure

Lauren Tindal, Bocconi Exchance, Fall 2012 I’ve been putting off writing this post for a while now, because that would mean fully accepting that...
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Hiking around Santiago and in the Andes

Michael Aleman, PUC Exchange, Fall 2012 Though my classes didn’t allow me much time for it, I did manage to get in a few...
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end of semester reflections

Sofia Falzoni, Sciences Po Exchange, Fall 2012   I would like to dedicate this last blog post to reflect on the academic work I’ve...
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Chile Travels 2

Michael Aleman, PUC Exchange, Fall 2012 The following are pictures from a few different trips I made during the semester. La Ligua This is...
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By Victoria Hwang, Public Health in Europe, Fall 2012 My bags are packed. My clothes are washed, folded, and squashed into my suitcase. My...
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Chilean Graffiti

One of the most noticeable sights around Santiago and Chile in general is the graffiti/murals/protest banners. The following are some of my favorites. Found...
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a touristy weekend at home

Sofia Falzoni, Sciences Po Exchange, Fall 2012 Last weekend, my friend Sofia (one of my friends from NU I went to visit in Bologna)...
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