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Category: Programs

A Reluctant Goodbye

It’s taken me a while to write this final post.  Mostly because I was unsure on how to put all of my feelings about...
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Halfway done

It’s our 5th week in Berlin and things keep getting better. We just finished our first week of classes at Humboldt University in Berlin....
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Jiaozi 101

There are now less than two weeks of my time here in Beijing. All I can think to myself is where has the time...
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Београд је свет

    The people of Serbia are no strangers to social movements. From the student-led protests in 1996 to the Bulldozer Revolution in 2000...
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Ghost Town at Night

This weekend I experienced the most strange, amazing adventure at the Zocalo. The Zocalo is the origin of modern day Mexico, the center of...
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My Life Here

As clichéd as this may sound, I feel as if Berlin has become a second home for me. I am (for the most part)...
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Small country, big changes

Anytime I tell someone that I’m studying abroad in Singapore, I get the usual comments about how one cannot chew gum or spit without...
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Muchas Catedrales

“There’s only two weeks left?”-Basically how everyone in the program feels at this point. Everyone always tells you that your time abroad will go...
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Winding Down

Hello again! As the program is coming to an end, I am sad to report that I have been sick for the past two...
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Berlin as a Kinder Egg

I can’t believe that we are now halfway through the program! Looking at Berlin now, I still feel like the day when I first...
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