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Category: Programs

Functional Art

“You can never have too much functional art, Meredith!” My mom regularly defended her cake plate collection to me growing up. I’ve learned a...
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Good to be Back

Helllooooo Chicago! I remember first landing in Barcelona and thinking about how long six weeks is and stressing about my Spanish skills; all that...
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Valuable Lessons

¡Hola! Something that I haven’t really talked about yet but that has seriously influenced how amazing my time in Barcelona was, were the actual...
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A Break from Barcelona

¡Hola! One of my favorite parts of the study abroad program has been the opportunity to go outside of Barcelona to further my knowledge...
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Beijing Reflection

It has been a few weeks since I left Beijing and it is a little strange. I was jetlagged for a week after coming...
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August 30th, 2018   I’m in the midst of packing, my closet looks like it threw up all over my bedroom floor, and I’m...
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Asian American in London

Only two weeks have gone by since I’ve arrived in the UK but I’ve already come to realize how much of a niche I’d...
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Hasta el proximo, México

One never truly understands how well a person can adapt and change to the environment around them and make it feel as much of...
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Mexico, Te Extraño Mucho

It has been a little over a month since I’ve returned to the U.S., and I must admit I miss Mexico City a lot....
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Nos Vemos, Mexico.

Written on Sat, Aug 18 Wow, so much has happened during these past few weeks! My Culture and History of Mexico class took a...
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