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Hasta el proximo, México

One never truly understands how well a person can adapt and change to the environment around them and make it feel as much of a home as possible. In just two short months, I became so accustomed to life in Mexico. The culture and food and way of life of the people there grew on me, shaping me to adjust to the place I called home for 8 weeks. I got used to the daily life in the city, getting ready for classes that took up most of my mornings, and the end the day with either heavy rain or a cool breeze. I developed close bonds with many people, hoping that they remain strong and tight in the distant future. I’ve learned so much of the culture and life of Mexico, taking into account all of the experiences and opportunities I’ve had there. Coming back to the United States took some adjusting as well, granted not as long of a time when I first arrived in Mexico. One can clearly see the distinct differences in life when comparing the two countries. In Mexico, I experienced this sense of individual freedom that I did not experience anywhere else. That freedom and independence helped me develop and grow into a new person after two months there. I wish to never forget the memories I have made there with both students and professors. I hope to revisit those places again with a different perspective, one of both tolerance and empathy. I hope people experience this marvelous freedom that I have and learn more and more about themselves while engaging and thriving in a new setting that is filled with wonder and beauty.

House of Hernan Cortes

Church of Santo Domingo in Oaxaca, Mexico

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