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Category: Programs

First Days

Beijing is not as hot as I expected! The smog is exactly what people have made it out to be though. This first weekend,...
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Goodbye 美国

Thinking about leaving America for two months straight is a little nerve-wracking. Even though I’ve been out of the country before, this will be...
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Maybe too far from home?

I am back in the States, back at Northwestern. And the culture shock is back, too. As I said in my first blog post, being...
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In the End

At the end of the program, I did not go back home straight away. Instead, I traveled to the southern part of China. With...
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Never Completely at Home Again

Upon arriving to America a few weeks ago, there were several thoughts floating in my mind. Angst for impending school, excitement to eat comfort...
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*Click Click Click* There’s No Place Like Home, But México Was Wonderful

Spending this summer studying abroad in México City (or CDMX for Ciudad de Mexico) was truly a priceless experience. I have been to México...
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Reflection Post

It has been over 2 months since my study abroad experience and I miss it a lot. I am currently in the breezy cold...
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3rd In Country Blog Post

A day before I left Barcelona, I became a bit pensive and very sad. Reflecting throughout my experiences, I was very fortunate for the...
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Today marks two months since I ended my study abroad program in Barcelona. That’s two months since I last had patatas bravas, arguably the...
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Sueños Vívidos

I recall my time in Barcelona like a vivid dream I had a couple of months ago. My tan has faded along with clear memories...
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