One of the most special things about the MSL program is the MSL faculty – a collection of accomplished, interesting, and generous scholars and teachers. To help students get to know their faculty members a little bit better, we started the MSL Friday Faculty Fireside series: a series of one-on-one conversations between the director of […]
MSL Orientation 2020
There’s no doubt about it — the MSL Orientation Week for new students is intense. Because our students have been studying or working mostly in STEM fields, the law is new to them; we use Orientation Week to introduce students to legal terminology and ideas, to a different method of study, and also to a […]
MSL Part-Time Residential Student Neil Misak Shares DJ Passion at Microsoft
One of the unique aspects of the MSL Program is the wide variety of talents that MSL students bring to the table. From music to sports to art, the MSL student body is a very talented group! Case in point: Part-time MSL student Neil Misak, a Microsoft employee, happens to be a very skilled DJ […]
MSL 2020 Reading List Recommendations
When students are admitted to the MSL program, we provide a list of recommended reading – books that we feel will help prepare students to study law. You can review the list here; you’ll see a mix of law-related titles, books related to skills development, and books with an interdisciplinary focus. Most students pick and […]
MSL Program Featured on Legal Evolution Blog
One of the companies that has really bought into the value of MSL training is VillageMD, a quickly growing provider of primary care services across the US. VillageMD has hired multiple graduates of the MSL program. In the words of VillageMD General Counsel Wendy Rubas: “The Northwestern MSLs have a solid grounding in law, so […]
MSL Alumni Profile: Kyle M. Pikula (MSL ’19) Patent Engineer: Life Sciences and Mechanical Engineering, Cardinal Intellectual Property
My work at Cardinal IP focuses on the prior art searching stage of the patent prosecution process; I analyze potential claims of clients’ inventions and explore prior art that may invalidate an invention under 35 U.S.C. §102, Novelty and 35 U.S.C. §103, Non-Obviousness. In short, I use a variety of databases and research tools in an attempt to find, […]
Laurelle Banta (MSL ’18) and NUMiX Materials Win Inaugural U.S. Bank Cleantech Inclusion Award
MSL alumna Laurelle Banta (MSL ’18) (second from right in above picture) came to the MSL program after graduating from Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering, where she studied mechanical engineering, with a focus on materials and thermodynamics. Laurelle was interested in learning more about intellectual property and how to protect the ideas she was coming […]
Professor Dan Rodriguez on ‘The Virus and the Law’
Professor Daniel B. Rodriguez, the Harold Washington Professor at the Law School, recently teamed up with Newton N. Minow, Former Chair of FCC, to discuss their shared belief that the law and fair administration of justice will defeat the pandemic. To read more of their assessment, visit The Virus and the Law. Professor Rodriguez served […]
MSL Alum Erald Minga (MSL ‘19) on The Silver Lining: Four Ways Disruptions Strengthen Organizational Resilience
As we adjust to the disruptions caused by COVID-19 and the resulting new normal in our work and home lives, many of us are learning lessons about organizational and professional resilience. In a recent piece posted in Forbes, MSL alumnus, Erald Minga (MSL ‘19), shared his thoughts on practices that can be used to positively […]
What I Regret Not Saying to My Fellow Graduates, MSL Class of 2020 Graduate Justin Chae (MSL ’20)
I had the honor of speaking at my class’s graduation reception but forgot to say one big thing. As you graduate and head out into the next chapter of your life, remember to wear the Class of 2020 like a badge of honor. I am proud of what we accomplished and even prouder to go […]