MSL Orientation 2020

There’s no doubt about it — the MSL Orientation Week for new students is intense. Because our students have been studying or working mostly in STEM fields, the law is new to them; we use Orientation Week to introduce students to legal terminology and ideas, to a different method of study, and also to a […]

MSL Alumni Profile: Kyle M. Pikula (MSL ’19) Patent Engineer: Life Sciences and Mechanical Engineering, Cardinal Intellectual Property

My work at Cardinal IP focuses on the prior art searching stage of the patent prosecution process; I analyze potential claims of clients’ inventions and explore prior art that may invalidate an invention under 35 U.S.C. §102, Novelty and 35 U.S.C. §103, Non-Obviousness. In short, I use a variety of databases and research tools in an attempt to find, […]

Laurelle Banta (MSL ’18) and NUMiX Materials Win Inaugural U.S. Bank Cleantech Inclusion Award

MSL alumna Laurelle Banta (MSL ’18) (second from right in above picture) came to the MSL program after graduating from Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering, where she studied mechanical engineering, with a focus on materials and thermodynamics. Laurelle was interested in learning more about intellectual property and how to protect the ideas she was coming […]

MSL Alum Erald Minga (MSL ‘19) on The Silver Lining: Four Ways Disruptions Strengthen Organizational Resilience

As we adjust to the disruptions caused by COVID-19 and the resulting new normal in our work and home lives, many of us are learning lessons about organizational and professional resilience. In a recent piece posted in Forbes, MSL alumnus, Erald Minga (MSL ‘19), shared his thoughts on practices that can be used to positively […]