ASEE’s Prism Magazine Highlights MSL Engineers in Winter Issue

The MSL recently had the honor of being profiled by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) in their winter issue of Prism magazine. If you’re an engineer and trying to decide how a legal background can help you to succeed in your profession, then this article is for you. Featuring interviews with alumni and program faculty, this article showcases the importance of interdisciplinary education and how a background in law helped several of our engineering-focused alumni to achieve their goals.

Faculty in the News: Prof. Heidi Kitrosser

You’ve heard us say this before: the Northwestern Master of Science in Law has amazing professors who excel both inside and outside the classroom – they are accomplished academics and impressive legal and business professionals. Our faculty are often asked to speak on current events, to weigh in on policy debates, and to guide public […]

5 Common Legal Issues For Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs face a multitude of legal issues as they create, launch, and build a new venture, and the failure to anticipate and understand these issues can often mean the demise of a new venture. In the Master of Science in Law (MSL) program at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, entrepreneurs and business professionals learn how to […]

MSL Open House

A great way to learn more about the Master of Science in Law degree is to attend one of our bi-annual Open Houses. Held in the fall and spring each year, the MSL Open House is intended to provide a meaningful opportunity for prospective and admitted students to learn more about this unique degree program, […]

MSL Welcomes Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago (IPLAC) Members for Intellectual Property Panel

MSL students were recently treated to a panel focused on careers in intellectual property; the panel was sponsored by the Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago (IPLAC).  Associate Dean and Professor David Schwartz, an IPLAC member, helped organize the panel and moderated the session.  The panel featured the following IP professionals: Anthoula Pomrening, Intellectual Property […]