An MSL Moment

Every so often, a student comes to us with an “ah-ha” moment in which the value of the MSL in their workplace becomes so blatantly clear. Combining their STEM backgrounds with their newfound legal knowledge and skills, they offer new insight into an unconsidered area and even avoid would-be disastrous situations. Read this below account from […]

What Is Industry Associates Night?

Among the many events leading up to Convocation, there is one evening that helps soon-to-be MSL grads with their future plans: Industry Associates Night. The premier MSL event of the year brings together students, alumni, and professionals working at the intersection of law, business and tech for a night of presentations and networking. This year […]

Notes from the Annual DPELC Entrepreneurship Law Conference

Northwestern Pritzker School of Law’s Annual Entrepreneurship Law Conference is designed as a forum to explore various legal issues that entrepreneurs face when considering new ventures. The day-long event hosts a series of panels, a keynote speaker, and several networking opportunities for professionals that work at the intersection of law and entrepreneurship. This year’s conference focused […]