An Afterword
Posted February 14, 2018
So, it’s been a while since I’ve been back home. After weeks of waiting, some serious trouble accessing cash, and about 7 flights across...Posted February 14, 2018
So, it’s been a while since I’ve been back home. After weeks of waiting, some serious trouble accessing cash, and about 7 flights across...Posted August 18, 2017
I can’t believe in one week I will be on my way back home to Chicago! The second half of this program has certainly...Posted August 12, 2017
During the last two weeks of this program, I learned more about tuina, which is Chinese massage. There are many techniques, such as rolling...Posted August 9, 2017
Outside from the daily classes of Chinese language and Public Health, there are many opportunities to explore some of the major tourist attractions in...Posted July 10, 2017
I have been in China for three weeks now and I am realizing that this is the halfway point of my six-week program… it...Posted July 7, 2017
I’ve been in Beijing now for two weeks, and it’s been an interesting experience navigating throughout the city and taking classes. I came in...Posted June 16, 2017
Hey hey! My name’s Laura Hernandez and welcome to my (soon-to-be) Berlin study abroad blog posts! I promise sporadic but hopefully ~fun and cool~...Posted November 11, 2016
It’s surreal how quickly time has flown by here in Singapore. As much as I love Singapore, though, my favorite part about my study...Posted September 21, 2016
Finally, I have returned to Evanston to start a new year school year. A clean slate, with a fresh outlook and excitement; I truly...Posted August 13, 2016
Hey guys, So as I just looked through a bunch of my photos from my trip thus far, it hit me that I have...