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Tag: Singapore

A New Adventure

After months of packing and bumbling excitement, I’m finally 19 hours away from landing in the beautiful country of Singapore. Next to me, my...
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8,434 Miles from Home

  Well, this is it. After so many weeks of going to travel doctors, submitting forms, applying for housing, buying new clothes suitable for...
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Small country, big changes

Anytime I tell someone that I’m studying abroad in Singapore, I get the usual comments about how one cannot chew gum or spit without...
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Different Countries, Different Closets

Samuel Garcia, NUS Exchange, Fall 2014 Before I came to Asia, I believed the stereotype that it is a predominantly conservative place where being...
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Speak up, NUS

Samuel Garcia, NUS Exchange, Fall 2014 “Now, I’m not sure how to pronounce this mathematician’s name,” said the Professor, “I think it’s French. Does...
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“Don’t break our rules,” she said

Samuel Garcia, NUS Exchange, Fall 2014 “Don’t break our rules,” she said, as I walked onto the subway platform holding a fresh cup of...
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You want it? They got it.

Samuel Garcia, NUS Exchange, Fall 2014 A new local friend: “Oh, you’re new in Singapore, have you tried [insert famous local food here]?” Me:...
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Shanghai to Singapore

Samuel Garcia, NUS Exchange, Fall 2014 My entire summer has been one rapid adventure. After a hard Spring Quarter at Northwestern, I was greatly...
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