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Tag: memories

Mount Zalagh: A Man, Sheep, and Meloui

My friends and I decided to go hike Mount Zalagh. We wanted to end our second to last evening in Morocco taking in the...
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The Blue City—Yes, It’s Literally Blue

Chefchaouen, also known as the Blue City, is a city in the mountains of northwest Morocco which—as you must have guessed already—is washed in...
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Sand, Camels, and Bliss

As I rode on a camel in the Sahara Desert and took in the serene view, I was overwhelmed by the desert’s beauty. The...
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Greetings: Moroccan Kisses

When Moroccan women (I’ve seen men do this, too) greet each other, the greeting typically involves a 3-part kiss. The Moroccan woman will brush...
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Move On and Along

  Studying abroad in Germany this past summer had been an absolute privilege. I was thrown into a completely different culture where societal norms...
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Beijing Reflection

It has been a few weeks since I left Beijing and it is a little strange. I was jetlagged for a week after coming...
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Going Up One More Floor

Guess where. Above 90 degree temperatures with sweltering humidity. Overwhelming swarms of people. Buzzing mosquitoes. Delicious food. Pandas. Yup, that’s my tropical island mansion....
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The Close of a Great Chapter

One thing I will never forget from my study abroad experience is the memories I’ve made and the lasting relations I’ve built with students...
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New memories with new friends

Since arriving home, tons of people have asked me about my time in Singapore, expecting lengthy answers about traveling, experiencing new cultures, and eating...
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Saudade “is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves. Moreover, it often carries...
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