Aperitivo, Risotto, and Cheese, oh my!
Posted December 14, 2017
I would be lying if I said the food wasn’t a large deciding factor in my decision to study in Milan. Besides being obsessed...Posted December 14, 2017
I would be lying if I said the food wasn’t a large deciding factor in my decision to study in Milan. Besides being obsessed...Posted November 3, 2017
I have always been obsessed with Italy and it’s culture and have always had a deep connection to Italian culture and arts. For these...Posted September 21, 2016
Finally, I have returned to Evanston to start a new year school year. A clean slate, with a fresh outlook and excitement; I truly...Posted September 25, 2015
My pasticceria had just put out some fresh brioche, knowing I had to grab one on the way to school. The pastry chef spoke...