A True Immersion into German
Posted August 8, 2022
Though I have experience with learning a language, namely Portuguese, I have very little experience with learning a new language that is dissimilar to...Posted August 8, 2022
Though I have experience with learning a language, namely Portuguese, I have very little experience with learning a new language that is dissimilar to...Posted September 14, 2018
Can you develop a habit in just eight weeks? Sometimes, a “Dankeschön” or “Entschuldigung” still slips out when I’m not thinking about it. Before...Posted July 17, 2018
Apologies for the lack of posts thus far, but I’ve been so busy meeting so many great faces in even more unusual spaces. I...Posted June 24, 2018
Hallo! This is my first time writing a blog, so here goes to exploring my voice in this form and trying to be hilarious....Posted June 30, 2017
Hey Guys! My name is Roman, I am a rising sophomore majoring in Economics with a minor in Transportation and Logistics and who knows...Posted September 21, 2016
I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me, but I’m back! Now that classes are in full swing and I have re-adjusted...Posted September 1, 2016
Having pressed the backspace on this post too often already, I’m sorry to start my post this way, but all I can say is...Posted August 24, 2016
Today I went to my last class at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and I was hit with the realization that my time in...Posted July 22, 2016
Spotted: M trading in his bright clothing in for the hipper, dark colors only fitting for the cool vibe that is Berlin. Looks like...Posted June 17, 2016
In less than 48 hours, I’ll be in Germany, a country across the Atlantic and where I do not speak the language. The only...