Posted August 5, 2019
During my 6 weeks in Barcelona, I learned a lot from the culture of Spain that I could not have learned in Northwestern classes....Posted August 5, 2019
During my 6 weeks in Barcelona, I learned a lot from the culture of Spain that I could not have learned in Northwestern classes....Posted August 4, 2019
This past weekend, some of my GESI-mates and I travelled to Hội An in central Vietnam. We arrived in the lantern city after a...Posted July 30, 2019
A couple of weeks ago, we had a fun excursion to Xela, the second largest city in Guatemala! Our supervisor, Gustavo’s, full time job...Posted July 30, 2019
One of the special takeaways I learned during my time in Barcelona was discovering passions and interests that I never knew I had. When...Posted July 30, 2019
One of the reasons I chose to study abroad in Spain included my desire to fluently speak Spanish by the end of the program....Posted July 30, 2019
This past week my group traveled to Lago Atitlán, a huge tourist site in Guatemala, for our midpoint retreat. Here we took a break...Posted July 26, 2019
Coming to Spain, I did not expect to eat tapas as much as I did. While I knew Spain is known for tapas, I...Posted July 25, 2019
Being abroad can be exhausting. While living in a new country, with a new family, surrounded by new experiences, languages, and foods is incredibly...Posted July 25, 2019
Coming on this trip, I thought and expected a huge increase in my abilities to speak Spanish. While I know the language pretty well...Posted July 25, 2019
In comparison to what is seen at Northwestern, the school expereince a lot more relaxed does not feel as stressful. While all three classes...