Just 20 Years Before
Posted August 14, 2016
Sarajevo is a beautiful city surrounded by picturesque mountains and has its own unique mix of eastern and western influences. It is easy to forget...Posted August 14, 2016
Sarajevo is a beautiful city surrounded by picturesque mountains and has its own unique mix of eastern and western influences. It is easy to forget...Posted August 13, 2016
I have waited to write my last blog post until the end of the trip to allow myself some time to process the past...Posted August 11, 2016
Imagine the city that you called home became a battlefield. Imagine that the city became split right down the middle and people who were once neighbors are now being forced...Posted July 22, 2016
Flying through the rainy overcast into the airport, the immediate beauty of Sarajevo was very evident. The clouds hovered over the mountains and the...Posted June 20, 2016
2:00am Sunday, 6/12/16 It has been a long day of errands and preparation for my impending trip to Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. I jumped into bed...Posted June 13, 2016
What are your plans for the summer? The question that is continuously asked around Northwestern and at home. Everyone wants to know what you...