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Category: Reflection

Was EU studies the right program?

Probably no one would discourage you from going abroad, and odds are that if the credits line up and the location sounds appealing, you’ll...
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Unified Theory of Paris

In the 28 days that I’ve inhabited France and French culture, like Ariana and Rishika before me, I’ve been hyper vigilant of my surroundings...
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Reverse Culture Shock

It has now been five weeks since I left Peking University and China. Since then, I have traveled to South Korea and Nicaragua. When...
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Prost! to a new school year in Evanston

    Before I set out for Berlin, I very much expected a summer of all fun and no studying. And while the all...
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Genau Jetzt: Reminiscing about Berlin

Hey there. It’s been a while hasn’t it? Let me catch you up on what’s been going on since I left Meine Stadt, Berlin....
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Refining my aspirations

I’ve been back in the U.S. for two weeks now. Even though these two weeks have been filled with happiness and relief because I’m...
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Readjustment and Growth

My experiences in China feel like a combination of something that happened eons ago and something that happened only yesterday. Coming back to the States,...
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Back at It

Finally, I have returned to Evanston to start a new year school year. A clean slate, with a fresh outlook and excitement; I truly...
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An Unforgettable Experience

It has been about a month since returning home from Mexico, and despite how ready I was to return home after two months abroad,...
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Ich Vermisse Berlin (viel)

I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me, but I’m back! Now that classes are in full swing and I have re-adjusted...
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