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Category: Pre-Departure

Murphy’s Law of Travel

Popular internet joke “Murphy’s Law” states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. In the age of post-Covid travel, I’d like to...
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Not Europe

Upon sharing my plans to study abroad in Morocco, most reactions consisted of something like “Wow!” “You chose a great country,” and “You’ll have...
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Pre-Departure Post

With the date of my departure for Singapore creeping closer, excitement–as well as anxieties–continue to grow. Even though my housing, university acceptance, and visa...
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Pre-Departure Post

While I am extremely excited and grateful to endure my upcoming study abroad experience I have concerns about my choice to study in Tel...
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You're Only Taking That?

If you see someone walking around campus with an abnormally large backpack, there’s a likely chance it was me. Rather than go home to...
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How can I be so nervous and excited at the same time?

I can not believe that I get this opportunity to go to Mexico City. I have always wanted to travel abroad but it has...
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Goodbye 美国

Thinking about leaving America for two months straight is a little nerve-wracking. Even though I’ve been out of the country before, this will be...
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August 30th, 2018   I’m in the midst of packing, my closet looks like it threw up all over my bedroom floor, and I’m...
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The last time I was in Switzerland, Switzerland had won. On my last visit to the land of chocolate and fondue, I was romping...
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China – Here we go again

The main reason why I chose this program is because I’ve got a taste of China already. I’m not just talking about the amazing...
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