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Category: Culture

“All Abooooooard!!”

“Hijole!!” The term is Mexican slang for describing something surprising. This is an expression I quickly picked up from our cuates here at Universidad...
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Life in China

It’s been about two weeks since I arrived in China, and things are going pretty smoothly. I’ve adjusted to the time difference and to the new...
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NU Adventures

I am now entering my third week in China, and it has been a whirlwind of firsts. I tried the famous jianbing (煎饼) for...
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What Comes Next?

I’ve been home for about two weeks now, and in the meantime, I’ve quickly reintegrated into my normal Northwestern student routine of taking some...
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Settling In

As I approach the end of my second week in China, I cannot believe how quickly time is passing by. It hasn’t quite been...
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NU kids on the block!

Most of you probably don’t know this, but a fun fact about me is that one of my favorite holiday’s to celebrate is Independence...
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These past two weeks in Beijing have been unreal. From interacting with the locals, to eating authentic Chinese food daily (this pancake-omelet thing called...
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Before I Leave

While packing for this trip, I can’t help but think of how many eye-opening experiences I will encounter, and all of the adventures I...
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Sundays were the Highlight

Every Sunday we were in Stellenbosch, Anna (a fellow program member) and I tried to attend church. We did for the most part. We...
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Adventures in Asia, Chapter 2

Aloha! Thanks for visiting this blog. I’m Luis Cartagena, a rising senior in Weinberg, majoring in Earth and Planetary Sciences, and minoring in Global...
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