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Category: Culture

Willst Du Mit Mir Gehn: The Unplanned Adventure

Hello… it’s me. I was wondering if after all these [weeks] you’d like to [virtually] meet to go over everything [that I’ve done in...
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Just 20 Years Before

Sarajevo is a beautiful city surrounded by picturesque mountains and has its own unique mix of eastern and western influences. It is easy to forget...
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Eis Eis Baby

Now that I’m past the halfway mark of the program I’ve begun to look back at what I have done and am planning what...
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15 hour flight calls for some quality reflection time….

Wow, I can honestly say that 2 months ago I did not think I would be sad to leave China and head back. However,...
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11/07/95 Gallery

I have waited to write my last blog post until the end of the trip to allow myself some time to process the past...
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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

Hey guys, So as I just looked through a bunch of my photos from my trip thus far, it hit me that I have...
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Foreign Farewell

Hello Everyone! I can’t believe there are only two days left in the program here in Beijing! It’s unreal how close the end is....
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Going to miss the little things!

My time in Mexico City is coming to an end, so naturally, I’ve been reminiscing on all the incredible experiences I’ve had. It would...
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Bridging the Gap

Imagine the city that you called home became a battlefield. Imagine that the city became split right down the middle and people who were once neighbors are now being forced...
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A New Adventure

After months of packing and bumbling excitement, I’m finally 19 hours away from landing in the beautiful country of Singapore. Next to me, my...
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