4147 Miles
Posted August 25, 2016
24 miles. If you start at my house and drive straight for 24 miles on Golf Road, you will end up at Willard Residential...Posted August 25, 2016
24 miles. If you start at my house and drive straight for 24 miles on Golf Road, you will end up at Willard Residential...Posted August 24, 2016
Hi, my name is Tiffany, and I’m an obsessive planner (after all, my major is Learning and Organizational Change). What’s kept sleep at bay, my clicking...Posted August 24, 2016
Today I went to my last class at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and I was hit with the realization that my time in...Posted August 23, 2016
I had high hopes for myself before this trip to Berlin. Maybe I’ll become rare wine expert, or a connoisseur of weird cheeses, or...Posted August 22, 2016
As I sit here, in my cozy abode in the Western Suburbs of Chicago, I wonder– how many more episodes of Breaking Bad can...Posted August 17, 2016
My experience in Berlin has, thus far, been nothing short of amazing. I’ve grown and matured in ways I previously thought never possible, and...Posted August 16, 2016
Mexican sports are so much different than American sports. I realized this in one of my penultimate weekends. American sports are usually dull and...Posted August 16, 2016
161566The National University of Singapore is huge. I think after two years of college at Northwestern University I was used to a campus where...Posted August 16, 2016
It’s amazing how Singapore has managed to become one nation with so many different cultures, and each and every culture does shine. When you...Posted August 15, 2016
Here I am eight weeks later, packing my bags, but it still hasn’t hit me that I am leaving in a couple more hours...