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Category: Culture

Hasta luego Mexico!

The final days of this study abroad program are quickly approaching. I can’t believe I have already spent 8 weeks in Mexico! I was...
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Goodbye Mexico

Saying goodbye to Mexico City (CDMX) has been a very emotional experience for me. Some of the friends I have made on this study...
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Trip to Oaxaca

The class field trip to Oaxaca was the best field trip we have had so far. The city felt like stepping into the past...
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All Good Things Must Come to an End

As I type this final blog post, it is the Friday, August 17, 2018. My final class was yesterday morning. It feels surreal to...
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How Wet are the Wetlands

There are times when the mind believes teleportation is possible. I thought I was still in Beijing that morning. Before I knew it, one...
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Back Home

Now that I have had a bit of time to reflect on my entire study abroad experience in Barcelona, I can only feel grateful...
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Final Week in Sarajevo

As we approach the final week of the comparative public health program, I am truly beginning to realize how much distance we have covered...
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Transitioning from Belgrade to Sarajevo

The unique aspect of the NU in Serbia and BiH program is in fact that students get to live and study abroad in two...
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Expedites I Will Never Forget

A class I have been enjoying so much has been Culture & History of Mexico. Every class I am learning more and more about...
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Folklórico Fills My Heart With The Sound Of Music

On Sunday night, I checked off an item from my bucket list: watching the Ballet Folkórico de México de Amalia Hernández. I have procrastinated...
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