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Category: Culture

That’s a Wrap

It has been almost a month now since I left Paris. Coming back home to Texas, spending time with my family, and just taking...
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There and Back Again

Now that I have returned to Northwestern after spending four months in Zürich, Switzerland, it has been nice to return to familiar places and...
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Parc Monceau

One place in Paris I will miss after I leave is the park near my homestay, Parc Monceau. I stumbled upon it one day...
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Pre-Departure Post

With the date of my departure for Singapore creeping closer, excitement–as well as anxieties–continue to grow. Even though my housing, university acceptance, and visa...
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Relfection: the return home

Usually when I am coming home from Northwestern I am super excited, this time when I was coming home from Paris, I was dreading...
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Leaving my exchange

As I prepare to leave Switzerland and return to the United States, it’s hard to imagine that nearly four months have passed and that...
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What I’ve Come Away With

The more I learn about the Middle East,  my image of what I want to do in regards to the region becomes less clear...
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Israel: What I’ve enjoyed!

My three previous posts expressed socio-political aspects I have been contemplating. However, I would like to dedicate this post to convey what I am...
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Thought to Action

My concerns about Tel Aviv have proven true thus far. However, I have reconsidered my concerns, (mentioned in my first blog post), through a new...
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Reinvigorated Learning

I’ve sincerely enjoyed my time here so far. It is particularly satisfying for me to be out of school yet still immersed in such...
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