Back in the US
Posted September 20, 2017
I have been back in the United States for a while now, readjusting to life here after having spent 8 weeks in Mexico. Sadly,...Posted September 20, 2017
I have been back in the United States for a while now, readjusting to life here after having spent 8 weeks in Mexico. Sadly,...Posted September 8, 2017
Hey guys, I’ve been home from China for a few weeks now, but it feels like I was there just yesterday. During the last...Posted August 24, 2017
In just a few days I will be back at home in Florida and my adventures in China will be over. It seems crazy...Posted August 23, 2017
It’s been about 3 days since I arrived back home from Beijing, and the jetlag is still hitting hard. I’ve been spending the past...Posted August 17, 2017
Our last excursion of the program was Summer Palace. It’s only a subway stop or two away from Peking University East Gate subway station,...Posted August 15, 2017
Hello all, I have realized that I am horrible at keeping you wonderful readers updated so please spare me. WELL, this week is the...Posted August 13, 2017
Here I am, with less than a week before my adventures in Mexico come to an end. This has been one of my favorite...Posted August 12, 2017
During the last two weeks of this program, I learned more about tuina, which is Chinese massage. There are many techniques, such as rolling...Posted August 2, 2017
I’m back in Hangzhou again for the 4-day break! I am currently finished with my 4 weeks of global health in China class and...Posted July 27, 2017
From Monday to Friday, classes fill up our schedule: 9:00-12:00 Chinese, 12:00-1:00 lunch, 1:00-4:00 class (Public Health/Political Science/IMC). Trying to study and finish homework...