Posted June 15, 2018
It is the day before I leave to Barcelona, Spain and I am very excited to embark on this amazing journey. As someone who...Posted June 15, 2018
It is the day before I leave to Barcelona, Spain and I am very excited to embark on this amazing journey. As someone who...Posted February 14, 2018
So, it’s been a while since I’ve been back home. After weeks of waiting, some serious trouble accessing cash, and about 7 flights across...Posted January 23, 2018
We have finally settled in at Stellenbosch for a few weeks, and we have begun to get into a routine. As someone studying Industrial...Posted January 5, 2018
When I began my undergraduate studies at Northwestern, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be an engineer. What I did know was that I wanted...Posted December 29, 2017
Nearing my last few days abroad, I feel like I have become an expert on the differences between an exchange program and a study...Posted December 16, 2017
A tropical Christmas fast approaches and rests in my heart in a cozy way. In my last week I have visited the extensive flora...Posted December 3, 2017
Backdated 12/3/17 As we are wrapping up our program, the atmosphere in our classes is beginning to frighteningly resemble classes in Evanston. Admittedly, the...Posted December 1, 2017
Hi. I’m in France. Did you know France has a different society than the United States? Wow. Surprising, right? Sarcasm aside, I’ve recently been...Posted November 25, 2017
“What do you consider yourself?” “Probably a liberal.” “Oh well, you know we say that the American left is about the same as...Posted November 16, 2017
Here in Paris, you have 2 primary housing options: living in a homestay or living at St. John’s University’s dormitory. From what I’ve seen...