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Category: Global Health

Remembering My Experience

As I begin my last blog entry, I cannot quite put into words how much my study abroad experience has both impacted and meant...
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15 hour flight calls for some quality reflection time….

Wow, I can honestly say that 2 months ago I did not think I would be sad to leave China and head back. However,...
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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

Hey guys, So as I just looked through a bunch of my photos from my trip thus far, it hit me that I have...
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Acupuncture…Now you try

After a couple of sessions in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) learning about the theories governing this branch of medicine, we finally began the really...
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A Reluctant Goodbye

It’s taken me a while to write this final post.  Mostly because I was unsure on how to put all of my feelings about...
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What Comes Next?

I’ve been home for about two weeks now, and in the meantime, I’ve quickly reintegrated into my normal Northwestern student routine of taking some...
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Adventures in Asia, Chapter 2

Aloha! Thanks for visiting this blog. I’m Luis Cartagena, a rising senior in Weinberg, majoring in Earth and Planetary Sciences, and minoring in Global...
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Sala kakuhle! Sobonana emva kwexeshana Mzantsi Afrika.

In case you’re wondering what the title translates to: “Goodbye, stay well! I’ll see you later South Africa!” I’ve been back in the suburbs...
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New Learning Opportunities!

Hello! My name is Tricia and I’m a junior studying Sociology and Global Health at Northwestern. I will be updating this blog with stories,...
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I’m Mexi-Can’t wait to get going

My name is Esai Orozco and I am a rising Senior at Northwestern studying Biological Sciences. This Summer ’16 I will be abroad in...
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