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Carol Lynn Feng

The Whole World in the Cape

Oh, Cape Town. This city had it all — mountains to climb, beaches to spend days on end relaxing on, craft villages to haggle...
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CPT to EBB (and finally) back to ORD

Writing these blog posts has made me miss my time in South Africa dearly. And like Iheoma, I’m often frustrated with the question, “HOW...
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#OPENSTELLENBOSCH… but is it actually closed?

On one of our museum trips, we watched a short documentary about the Soweto Uprising. We had the opportunity to watch real footage of...
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Trail Blazing Professors (& Not Just in the Academic Way!)

When we talk about study abroad experiences, it seems that classes don’t always take up the spotlight. And that’s understandable. We have to take...
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Lions, Spirit Birds, and Olifants — OH MY!

The folks at IPD warned us explicitly not to overlap blogs about Kruger National Park. And between Iheoma, Emily, and I — it appears...
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Feeling Otherness & Other Things

Long time, no blog! I want to apologize for not keeping up with this blog during my actual time on the program. If anything,...
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WOW: How I’m Cheating My Pre-Departure Blog Post

Thanks to some technical difficulties back in the States, I am currently writing you all from an internet cafe called WOW in downtown Stellenbosch....
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