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My heart is still in China.

It’s been exactly a month since my return home, and I still remember it like it was yesterday. Now that I’m back on campus, my friends want to know everything about my time abroad. But the experience I had there simply can’t be described in just a few words. There’s nothing like being in the country and experiencing the culture for yourself.




Prior to this trip, I set out to improve my language skills and knowledge of the country. And while I certainly did that, I gained something even more valuable: the ability to see the world in a new lens. It was important for me to be able to see the world from their view and not just my own American view. It was troubling for me to think of Chinese customs as “weird” or “foreign” because to them it’s their way of life and it assumes that American customs are somehow more “normal” or “dominant.” Deconstructing those views and tendencies was difficult, but important. Being able to see the country for what it is, but also to understand why it is was a humbling and life-changing experience. It felt as if my life-goal of being a global citizen had been realized for the first time. Reflecting on it now, the realization that there exists a whole other world outside the U.S was both peaceful and fulfilling. And I believe that I have much more to learn.


My lovely Chinese 3 crew.

My lovely Chinese 3 crew.


From climbing very large mountains to making new friends, my trip to China was one of growth and exploration. To anyone thinking of studying abroad, I’d say do it if you have the chance. The difficulty and exhaustion that it brings is worth the adventure and newfound appreciation for the world that you’ll come away with.

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