MSL Alumni Profile: Kyle M. Pikula (MSL ’19) Patent Engineer: Life Sciences and Mechanical Engineering, Cardinal Intellectual Property

My work at Cardinal IP focuses on the prior art searching stage of the patent prosecution process; I analyze potential claims of clients’ inventions and explore prior art that may invalidate an invention under 35 U.S.C. §102, Novelty and 35 U.S.C. §103, Non-Obviousness. In short, I use a variety of databases and research tools in an attempt to find, […]

MSL Alumna Profile: Janessa Nelson MSL’18, Senior Legal Analyst and Podcast Executive

As Senior Legal Analyst and Podcast Executive at VillageMD, I manage the Legal Operations section of the Legal Department. I primarily oversee transactions, integrations, contract management, outside counsel management, training and podcast production. Since it is a start-up, we all pitch in where needed, and it feels like there is something new every day. I have […]

MSL Career Advisors Share Interviewing Tips

Evan Goldberg and I recently gave a presentation to MSL students about best practices for preparing for interviews. Whether you’re interviewing for an internship, full-time position, or graduate school, you might want to keep the following tips in mind! Before the interview, be sure to review your resume and know everything that’s on it – […]

The MSL Staff Reflects on Industry Associates Night 2020: Virtual Edition

Industry Associates Night is always one of the biggest MSL events of the year, but this year, the MSL Program hosted the first ever virtual Industry Associates Night on Friday, April 17, 2020. The event featured seven amazing panelists across a variety of industries,  including consulting, privacy, medicine, venture capital, food safety, intellectual property, and […]

Job Search During CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19

Just like everybody else, MSL students are feeling the crush of the current health crisis. One topic that we have received a lot of questions about involves the current state of the job market.  Though there isn’t a lot of concrete information available right now, our Director of Program Development, Shilpa Gokhale, recently compiled some […]

Euler Bropleh, Founder and Managing Director of VestedWorld Speaks to Northwestern Law Students

As part of the DPELC-MSL Speaker Series, we recently welcomed Euler Bropleh, Founder and Managing Director of VestedWorld, to share his interesting journey from law to venture capital. Euler began his career at top global law firms; it was his law firm experience that sparked his belief in economic development as the best way to […]

Ralph Baxter of Legal Services Today Discusses How the Legal Industry Refers to Legal Service Professionals

We recently read the Legal Services Today blog and were encouraged to see Ralph Baxter’s post: Let’s Stop Calling Legal Service Professionals “Non-Lawyers.” To date, the legal industry has mostly referred to affiliated professionals who aren’t lawyers – no matter their expertise – as “non-lawyers.”  Baxter suggests that rather than refer to professionals as what […]

MSL Students Learn About the US-China Trade War (and Celebrate Chinese New Year)

The US-China relationship is widely recognized as the most important bilateral relationship in the world; many STEM and legal professionals confront issues related to this relationship on a daily basis. To share some insights about working transnationally, Perkins Coie, an international law firm, sponsored a seminar for MSL students entitled, “Skirmishes in the Trade War: […]