“It’s OK to pivot.” This was a primary takeaway from April’s health and science panel, a virtual MSL event for Chicago Public School high school students who attend STEM and STEAM schools.
MSLs Mobilize Future STEM Leaders

“It’s OK to pivot.” This was a primary takeaway from April’s health and science panel, a virtual MSL event for Chicago Public School high school students who attend STEM and STEAM schools.
In an era driven by technology, it’s not surprising that legal operations teams are turning to data collection and analysis to rein in spending – and MSL grads like Jessica Lynch are helping to lead the charge.
Legal departments need scientists and engineers. In fact, STEM professionals are leading the way on legal operations teams with science-based principles. Learn how.
Entrepreneurs face a multitude of legal issues as they create, launch, and build a new venture, and the failure to anticipate and understand these issues can often mean the demise of a new venture. In the Master of Science in Law (MSL) program at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, entrepreneurs and business professionals learn how to […]
In Part 1 of this interview, we asked some of our business-focused MSL students and alumni why they opted for the MSL degree. In Part 2 of this interview, we’ll dive into their biggest takeaways from the MSL program: What skills or knowledge did the MSL provide that you were missing? “I was able to […]
Since its inception, the MSL program has attracted students with significant business experience, including some who already have MBAs. Why would experienced business professionals with significant educational pedigrees want to get a master’s degree in law? We can try to sell you on this, but we thought it might be more effective for you to […]
I had always planned on taking at least one gap year after graduating college. One important reason was that I was feeling pulled in a few different directions by my interests as a global health major, a participant in the startup/entrepreneurial scene at my campus, and a student researcher studying healthcare and data regulation. I […]
The complex issues that arise in health and medicine often involve intersecting disciplines – including science, medicine, policy, law, regulation, and business. It should be no surprise then that the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law Master of Science in Law program has become a unique “gap year” option for aspiring clinicians and healthcare professionals – […]
I was one of those students who always thought “someday” I would go to law school. Life got in the way, though, and twenty years in the legal industry later, I found myself at an inflection point. I could continue on my current path, making a comfortable living but maxed out in my career, or […]
I’ve always known that I wanted to become a physician. However, when I was in college, I started realizing that I might eventually want to move into government service as a physician – something in the FDA space or the Department of Health and Human Services. When I found the Master of Science in Law, […]