Part 4: 2022 MSL Symposium Series

The Innovation Lab class in Northwestern’s Master of Science in Law (MSL) program allows students to devise a real-world solution to a problem that exists in law practice. The “clients” in this class are lawyers from various settings who have identified a problem in delivering legal services; MSL students work together with JD, LLM, and […]

Part 3: 2022 MSL Symposium Series

Northwestern Master of Science in Law (MSL) students often find themselves thinking about the cutting edge of technological development, so it is not a surprise that several symposium presentations focused on issues raised by the rapid evolution and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI).  While many of the symposium presentations mentioned artificial intelligence (it’s everywhere!), the […]

Part 2: 2022 MSL Symposium Series

The next post in our symposium series (see: Part 1) focuses on student presentations related to healthcare and medicine. Each year, the MSL program enrolls students with academic and professional backgrounds in healthcare, medicine, and life sciences: students interested in attending medical school, clinicians including doctors, nurses and EMTs, medical scribes, professionals working in healthcare […]

Series: MSL Alumni in Medical School

The complex issues that arise in health and medicine often involve intersecting disciplines – including science, medicine, policy, law, regulation, and business. It should be no surprise then that the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law Master of Science in Law program has become a unique “gap year” option for aspiring clinicians and healthcare professionals – […]