“It’s OK to pivot.” This was a primary takeaway from April’s health and science panel, a virtual MSL event for Chicago Public School high school students who attend STEM and STEAM schools.
Author: MSL Program
The Latest Trend in Tech Talk: ChatGPT
This content creating platform from tech firm Open AI has been causing quite a stir across the legal and higher education spaces. While the AI technology behind ChatGPT can be helpful in certain workplace and learning situations, it also raises questions around topics of accuracy, plagiarism, and credibility.
MSL Grad Leads the Way on Corporate Recovery Program
In an era driven by technology, it’s not surprising that legal operations teams are turning to data collection and analysis to rein in spending – and MSL grads like Jessica Lynch are helping to lead the charge.
MSL Alums on Why the Legal Industry Needs More Engineers and Scientists
Legal departments need scientists and engineers. In fact, STEM professionals are leading the way on legal operations teams with science-based principles. Learn how.
Faculty in the News: Prof. Heidi Kitrosser
You’ve heard us say this before: the Northwestern Master of Science in Law has amazing professors who excel both inside and outside the classroom – they are accomplished academics and impressive legal and business professionals. Our faculty are often asked to speak on current events, to weigh in on policy debates, and to guide public […]
Faculty Perspectives on the Inflation Reduction Act
To really understand inner workings in so many industries, it is necessary to know how policy is developed, how it is incorporated into enacted laws and regulations, and the impact it has once it becomes law. Through classes taught by the amazing Northwestern Master of Science in Law faculty, MSL graduates gain this unique knowledge […]
MSL Class of 2022 Graduation: Rory Fitzpatrick Represents the MSL at the Return to the Chicago Theater
The MSL year is always punctuated by two major milestones – orientation and graduation. As we prepare to welcome our new MSL class in a few weeks at August orientation, we are reminded of the wonderful Law School convocation celebration held in May. Graduation Week is always a wonderful time, but this year’s activities were […]
5 Common Legal Issues For Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs face a multitude of legal issues as they create, launch, and build a new venture, and the failure to anticipate and understand these issues can often mean the demise of a new venture. In the Master of Science in Law (MSL) program at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, entrepreneurs and business professionals learn how to […]
Part 6: 2022 MSL Symposium Series
The Northwestern Master of Science in Law (MSL) program attracts entrepreneurs and entrepreneurially-minded students and professionals. These folks build a foundation in law and business, and they learn about many of the unique regulatory and legal issues they face when starting or contributing to a new business venture. The MSL offers specific classes that are […]
Part 5: 2022 MSL Symposium Series
Many Northwestern Master of Science in Law (MSL) students come to the program with an interest in policy development, and every class in the curriculum considers the role of policy in one way or another. Similarly, MSL students are interested in ethics, and all are required to take a course on “Ethics in Law & […]