New to Law School? Here are 10 Tips for Maximizing Your Academic Experience

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The decision to enroll in law school may feel intimidating for those who are returning to academia after some time away. If this sounds like your experience, review these tips to make your return to school and time with the MSL as successful as possible.

The MSL online format is unique in the Law School in that we welcome new cohorts of students two times each year: once in the spring and once in the fall.  We are delighted to welcome 17 new online students, who have just completed their orientation and have begun classes this week.

The decision to come back to school after some time away can be daunting for anyone; the decision to enroll in law school, especially for folks who never thought they’d be studying law, can be doubly intimidating.

Whether you plan to join the MSL in the Spring or Fall, or you are a current student rejoining the program after a pause or winter break, you may benefit from some advice. Here are 10 tips – based on advice given by the Law School’s Dean Hari Osofsky’s during Fall 2023 orientation – to make your return to school and time with the MSL as successful as possible.

Tip No. 1: Keep a Positive Outlook

Frustration is normal but try to keep your head up. Most likely, this is your first time being exposed to the language of law, and you are probably not accustomed to reading, writing, and analyzing legal content. Take a deep breath, stay positive, and give yourself the time to become familiar with the new material and milieu.

Tip No. 2: Find a Support Network

The commitment and long study hours required of law school students can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation. Find a group of people (most likely your classmates) who understand what you are going through, who can study with you, lift you up, and let you blow off steam when needed.

Tip No. 3: Stay Organized

Law School moves fast – especially if you’re enrolled in the MSL where the longest classes last for just  7 weeks. Be sure to organize your class and study materials from the start and maintain a focus on managing your time effectively.

Tip No. 4: It’s Normal to Struggle a Bit

Even when you have done the work and are prepared, you aren’t always going to get it right. Sometimes you will struggle to answer questions in class or you may experience difficulty following along with particular material  – and that’s OK. Part of learning is going through the more difficult times and recognizing what you might do differently in the future.

Tip No. 5: Be Open to Change

The MSL curriculum is vast and offers lots of opportunities to explore new areas. Keep an open mind and take advantage of the specialized course offerings across a range of disciplines. You may find yourself gravitating toward new areas of study that you hadn’t considered before.

Tip No. 6: Take the Plunge

From VentureCat, which is Northwestern’s annual student startup competition, to study abroad trips and interdisciplinary workshops with other graduate-level programs, there are so many opportunities to diversify your experience during your time in law school. Even if the competition is fierce for a seat at the table, or you don’t think you may be qualified for a particular opportunity, go for it! The reward may outweigh the risk.

Tip No. 7: Remember Your Potential

Law School can be an intense time for students. It’s important to remind yourself that you deserve to be here! You have earned your place in this community just like everybody else. When times get tough, remember to give yourself a pep talk.

Tip No. 8: Learn from Your Peers

The MSL is rich with students from so many academic, professional, and cultural backgrounds. Take advantage of the diverse perspectives within your cohort. You may find yourself considering new interests, outlooks, or ways to approach your studies that you hadn’t considered before. Lean on each other for resources and support.

Tip No. 9: Take Advantage of Being a Wildcat

Enrolling as a student at Northwestern opens myriad opportunities and unmatched resources. The MSL program itself offers many career services and networking events, and both the law school and university provide access to a vast network of alumni, professors, and on-campus resources –  downtown, in Evanston, and around the world.

Tip No. 10: Have Fun

Don’t forget to have fun. While everyone has a different definition of fun, it’s important to let yourself enjoy your time in Law School as much as possible. Hopefully, the fun times will help you get through the intense times with less stress.

Welcome to the MSL, Wildcats!

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