Main Group Meetings

Meetings will be held through Zoom at 6:00 PM on the following Tuesdays.

Join URL:

Group business followed by a formal talk of about an hour with an emphasis on background for the benefit of the visiting first-year students. Overview talks outline the history and background of a project or a subgroup, followed by recent results. Questions encouraged. Stay tuned for our group open house, which will provide an opportunity for first-year students to meet all current group members and discuss research projects.

JANUARY 21 Qingheng (Safety Talk)
28 Lin Huang
11 Kristen Beckett
18 Yuyang Wang
25 Zhiyu Clifford Feng
MARCH 04 Anushka Dasgupta
11 No Meeting

A-Team Meetings

Meetings are held in G247 at 2:00PM on Wednesdays.

The format will be a 60 minute talk, with a heavy emphasis on background to help first-year students understand the primary goals of your research. Questions encouraged!


Solid State Lunch

Meetings are held in G247 at 12:00PM on Thursdays.

Speakers should concentrate on background, goals, and recent results of individual research projects for the benefit of first-year students. Talks should be limited to 45 min. and can be formal or informal. Questions encouraged!


JANUARY 22 No Meeting JANUARY 23 No Meeting
29 Amol Agarwal 30 Yongjoon Cho
FEBRUARY 05 Carter Edenfield FEBRUARY 06 Giacomo Forti
12 Qingheng Lai 13 Yao Yao
19 Yuang Wang 20 Dayong Zhang
26 Anson Rowe 27 Daniel Duplessis
MARCH 05 Maya Milrod MARCH 06 No Meeting
12 Prof. Tobin Marks 13 Seongjin Park


Special Issue in Honor of Professor Tobin J. Marks

The November 21 issue of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C is a special themed issue in celebration of Tobin Marks’ 75th Birthday. Congratulations to Tobin and all of his students and collaborators!

Steven Swick defends his thesis and is now Dr. Swick! 

Steven Swick defends his thesis and is now Dr. Swick!  Steven is headed to a postdoctoral fellow position at Stanford U. Congratulations!


Steven Swick with his thesis committee, Mike Wasielewski, Tom Meade, and Tobin Marks.
Steven Swick with his mom, siblings and Tobin.

Brian Eckstein Successfully Defends his PhD Thesis

Congratulations to Brian Eckstein who successfully defended his PhD thesis on Friday,  November 1, 2019.   Brian is headed to a postdoc at the Colorado School of Mines.

Brain Eckstein with committee members, Lin Chen, Mike Wasielewski, and Tobin Marks
Brian Eckstein with his dad (who is a Professor at the University of Illinois ) and his mom.