A Wildcat in the Wild
Posted February 14, 2019
Kruger was like nothing I had ever seen before; the entire experience felt like a dream. All the scenery in the world going on...Posted February 14, 2019
Kruger was like nothing I had ever seen before; the entire experience felt like a dream. All the scenery in the world going on...Posted February 1, 2018
The first two weeks of our program were incredible, but also, at times, emotionally heavy. Even in the first couple of days we jumped...Posted June 20, 2016
Our trip to Kruger National Park was amazing and certainly something I will remember fondly for the rest of my life. We were led...Posted June 14, 2016
Elephants. Need I say more? These big, beautiful creatures always cause me to get excited and once I found out that our program includes...Posted May 25, 2016
I can honestly say I enjoyed being off the grid for a week. Despite a small amount of anxiety over fall class registration, it...