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Tag: IPD

A tropical Christmas

A tropical Christmas fast approaches and rests in my heart in a cozy way. In my last week I have visited the extensive flora...
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Departure and Arrival

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. I remember realizing two weeks ago that the summer was over, my summer job was done,...
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Pre-departure post

The place I call home has changed so frequently and dynamically throughout my life that even now, I have difficulty choosing an answer. I...
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Elevator and escalator etiquette

If you want to stand on an escalator, be sure to stand on the right. If you wish to walk up or down the...
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Was EU studies the right program?

Probably no one would discourage you from going abroad, and odds are that if the credits line up and the location sounds appealing, you’ll...
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Oh Hi There Mona! Nice to See You Again.

I have always been an introvert—as much as I love going out and dancing with other foreign students every Friday night, I crave to...
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This Is What "I" Came For (Berlin Remix)

Having pressed the backspace on this post too often already, I’m sorry to start my post this way, but all I can say is...
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Can You Meet Me Halfway?

Spotted: M trading in his bright clothing in for the hipper, dark colors only fitting for the cool vibe that is Berlin. Looks like...
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Au Revoir ~for now~

During my umpteenth time showing family and friends photos from my adventures abroad, one family friend advised, “You ought to take notes on these...
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How to be Parisian: Market Edition

Markets are the spot to smell, see, and taste Paris. They represent authentic French culture, free from tourists and Disneyland pretence. As Rick Steves,...
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