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Tag: Great Wall

Tower to Tower

Even a year ago, I would have never imagined that I would see the Great Wall of China with my very own eyes, let...
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Food! Excursions!

I’m back in Hangzhou again for the 4-day break! I am currently finished with my 4 weeks of global health in China class and...
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After two weeks…

Two weeks have past since I started the Public Health program in Beijing and already so much has happened. I expected a greater amount...
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Only The Beginning

Hello Friends! Welcome back to my blog! I have been enjoying my time here in China at Peking University (北大). These first few weeks...
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Life in China

It’s been about two weeks since I arrived in China, and things are going pretty smoothly. I’ve adjusted to the time difference and to the new...
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NU Adventures

I am now entering my third week in China, and it has been a whirlwind of firsts. I tried the famous jianbing (煎饼) for...
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Settling In

As I approach the end of my second week in China, I cannot believe how quickly time is passing by. It hasn’t quite been...
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These past two weeks in Beijing have been unreal. From interacting with the locals, to eating authentic Chinese food daily (this pancake-omelet thing called...
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Acupuncture and Bloodletting, Oh My!

There’s no fear of needles in my Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) class.  For the last two weeks (and the next two weeks), I have...
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The Great Wall of "My Legs are Killing Me"

Ever since I was a kid, I was fed the lie everyone knows about- “You can see the Great Wall of China from Space!”....
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