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Tag: culture

New Adventures

Hello! My name is Amy. I am a junior in Weinberg majoring in economics, minoring in global health studies and getting the integrated marketing certificate....
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Berlin, I am coming!

Hey Guys! My name is Roman, I am a rising sophomore majoring in Economics with a minor in Transportation and Logistics and who knows...
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An unforgettable experience

Hi! My name is Maegan Ramchal and I’m a rising junior in Weinberg. I’m studying psychology and environmental sciences. I’ll be doing the IPD...
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Prophecy Fulfilling

As I look back on the essays I wrote before leaving, postulating what I would get out of an experience studying abroad in Hong...
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Looking Back at Singapore

Studying abroad in Singapore has been a journey like no other. I think that studying abroad has been beneficial both for my personal growth...
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Elevator and escalator etiquette

If you want to stand on an escalator, be sure to stand on the right. If you wish to walk up or down the...
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Adventure is Out There

Wow, I can’t believe how much Singapore feels like home already. The country is such an interesting mix of Western and Asian culture —...
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Reverse Culture Shock

It has now been five weeks since I left Peking University and China. Since then, I have traveled to South Korea and Nicaragua. When...
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10 things you must have done if you celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival

1. You heard that there once were 10 suns This begins the legend of why Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated. The legend goes (as told...
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La Vie Quotodienne à Paris

There is just something so romantic about daily life in Paris– the cafés, the shopping, the delicious French food. Things seem to move a...
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