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Tag: academics

Study Abroad with the Gilman Scholarship!

Grant Allen Study Abroad Too Expensive? Try The Gilman Scholarship! I had always known that I wanted to study abroad. Coming from a military...
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A True Immersion into German

Though I have experience with learning a language, namely Portuguese, I have very little experience with learning a new language that is dissimilar to...
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Experiential Learning

Thank god the sun was out. It was only 40 degrees and I was standing in knee-high waders in the Leith river trying to...
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Affirmative Action, dit “Discrimination Positive”

  “What do you consider yourself?” “Probably a liberal.” “Oh well, you know we say that the American left is about the same as...
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Midterm Wake-Up Call

Midterm season in Milan is finally over and what a wake up call it truly was. Classes at Bocconi are very comparable to Northwestern...
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Prophecy Fulfilling

As I look back on the essays I wrote before leaving, postulating what I would get out of an experience studying abroad in Hong...
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Looking Back at Singapore

Studying abroad in Singapore has been a journey like no other. I think that studying abroad has been beneficial both for my personal growth...
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Upon reflecting on my experiences in Singapore, I came to realize that I have grown, both personally and professionally. I came to Singapore with...
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Finals culture

Singapore is culturally known as one that has extreme focus on academics and grades. Therefore, it is no surprise that around finals week, the...
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The dreaded midterm season

Libraries are packed, extracurricular activities slows down, and studying is at an all time high– yup, it’s midterm season. Academics in NUS has a...
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