Beijing Reflection
Posted October 1, 2018
It has been a few weeks since I left Beijing and it is a little strange. I was jetlagged for a week after coming...Posted October 1, 2018
It has been a few weeks since I left Beijing and it is a little strange. I was jetlagged for a week after coming...Posted September 14, 2018
The 8 weeks are up on my summer in Beijing and I could not have asked for a better experience. I met amazing people...Posted September 14, 2018
In the second half of the program, we took a Traditional Chinese Medicine class where we were able to perform cupping and acupuncture on...Posted August 27, 2018
After the mid-program break, my classes of Chinese got more intense. I was finally able to put together sentences in Chinese and have a...Posted September 19, 2017
Hello! I’ve been back on campus for a week now. I spent 2 more weeks with my family in Hangzhou and returned to Minnesota...Posted August 13, 2017
As one of the field trips for the Traditional Chinese Medicine course, we were able to visit the Traditional Chinese Medicine department of a...Posted August 12, 2017
During the last two weeks of this program, I learned more about tuina, which is Chinese massage. There are many techniques, such as rolling...Posted July 6, 2017
Hello! My name is Amy. I am a junior in Weinberg majoring in economics, minoring in global health studies and getting the integrated marketing certificate....Posted September 21, 2016
My experiences in China feel like a combination of something that happened eons ago and something that happened only yesterday. Coming back to the States,...Posted August 7, 2016
After a couple of sessions in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) learning about the theories governing this branch of medicine, we finally began the really...