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Category: Programs

Orientation to South Africa

The first two weeks of our program were incredible, but also, at times, emotionally heavy. Even in the first couple of days we jumped...
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Our first two weeks in South Africa were spent traveling the northeast corner of the country, with Johannesburg acting as a sort of home...
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Back On Campus

No one could have warned me about how strange it would be being back at Northwestern. A whole entire quarter has passed without me....
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Settling in, but seeing new places

We have finally settled in at Stellenbosch for a few weeks, and we have begun to get into a routine. As someone studying Industrial...
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It has been a little over a month since I came back from Paris and life as resumed its regular rhythm and tempo. After...
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When I began my undergraduate studies at Northwestern, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be an engineer. What I did know was that I wanted...
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New memories with new friends

Since arriving home, tons of people have asked me about my time in Singapore, expecting lengthy answers about traveling, experiencing new cultures, and eating...
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Pre-Departure Post

Thinking about my upcoming trip to South Africa, I’m feeling unsure about what to expect. I have never been abroad for longer than two...
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My Experience vs Theirs

Nearing my last few days abroad, I feel like I have become an expert on the differences between an exchange program and a study...
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Wrapping it up

Though it’s probably just cause I spent the better part of my my last couple weeks traveling, to the point where sleeping in hostels...
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