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Category: National University of Singapore

Beyond Singapore

It’s surreal how quickly time has flown by here in Singapore. As much as I love Singapore, though, my favorite part about my study...
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Adventure is Out There

Wow, I can’t believe how much Singapore feels like home already. The country is such an interesting mix of Western and Asian culture —...
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The dreaded midterm season

Libraries are packed, extracurricular activities slows down, and studying is at an all time high– yup, it’s midterm season. Academics in NUS has a...
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Singaporean Cuisine

I think if there is one thing everybody in the world can agree on, it would be that everyone loves food. This attitude is...
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Just a Small Girl in a Big World

161566The National University of Singapore is huge. I think after two years of college at Northwestern University I was used to a campus where...
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Cultural diversity in Singapore

It’s amazing how Singapore has managed to become one nation with so many different cultures, and each and every culture does shine. When you...
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A New Adventure

After months of packing and bumbling excitement, I’m finally 19 hours away from landing in the beautiful country of Singapore. Next to me, my...
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8,434 Miles from Home

  Well, this is it. After so many weeks of going to travel doctors, submitting forms, applying for housing, buying new clothes suitable for...
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Small country, big changes

Anytime I tell someone that I’m studying abroad in Singapore, I get the usual comments about how one cannot chew gum or spit without...
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A New Reality

Samuel Garcia, NUS Exchange, Fall 2014 When I first though about writing this post, I titled it “Back to Reality” in my head. But I...
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